Life is short & Unpredictable
Everyone has to go when their time is up
Is Death really a bad thing ?
Or its an escape to another world
Another world where theres no sufferings
Should we be sad when someone leaves this world
Or should we be happy that he has been freed from the sufferings
And he continues to live in another paradise.
Life is full of regrets
When someone is gone , than only you'll realize.
When he is around , u take things for granted
And now when he is gone , u'll start regreting.
Words that should been said were being kept
Now there is no way to say out
Only misery is left
Sigh, To all out there
Remember to cherish what you have now before its too late
& To my dearest friend
I hope you'll be able to stay strong
& get over with this matter
Im sure he would want to see the old cheerful you
& he would not want you to grieve for him too much
Im quite worried about you,
It breaks my heart when i see u smile for the sake of us
& cheering us up when you're actually down.
I hope u'll know that we will always be here for you.